About CSAT

Chinese Statistical Association(Taiwan)

Chinese Statistical Association(Taiwan)(CSAT)was founded in Nanjing on March 9, 1930, which is established with the purpose of researching statistical theory, improving statistical methods and promoting statistical development. After the government moved to Taiwan, the CSAT’s tasks successively carried out by the preparatory committee’s efforts until it was restored in Taiwan in 1961.

For implementing the association tasks, CSAT establish Statistical Academic Committee and Publication Committee under the Council in accordance with the articles of association. CSAT convene a meeting annually and organize a variety of statistical seminars with relevant academic institutions as well as invite domestic and foreign statisticians to release their latest statistical papers.

For the publications, CSAT launched the “Journal of Chinese Statistical Association (JCSA)” quarterly in February 1963. From January 1980 on, the issuing cycle was modified to monthly. Again, JCSA was revised in January 1990, the statistical theory and monographic study parts are separated from the old edition of JCSA and published twice a year with the same title, but later the issuing cycle turned to quarterly again in 1994. On the other hand, the remaining parts of original JCSA: statistical applications, practice, paraphrase, data and news are merged and released monthly with the title “Newsletter of The Chinese Statistical Association” (the title was renamed to “Newsletter of The Statistical Association” in 2012).